4 Reasons Why Your Body Needs Fat To Work Efficiently

The True Vegan Body
2 min readJan 1, 2022


Photo by Mareefe

Think of your body like your car, its engine needs oil/grease to keep it functioning smoothly, or else it breaks. In the same way, dietary fats are a primary source of energy that your body needs to work efficiently.

Here are four reasons why:

  1. Dietary fats are essential for blood clotting, muscle movement, and inflammation.
  2. They help you absorb some vitamins and minerals that require fat to dissolve into your bloodstream and produce nutrients.
  3. Some types of fat you need to ingest because your body cannot produce them, such as omega-3 and omega-6.
  4. Plus, did you know that your brain is nearly 60 percent fat?

Furthermore, two necessary points you need to monitor in your fat intake.

1- Quality:

  • Good/healthy fats are mainly raw, unprocessed fats, with the primary sources being plant-based foods and oils. Such as raw nuts and seeds, avocados, and olive oil. It is easier for your body to process and digest such fats. The omega-3 in these healthy fats can also increase joint health and lubrication.
  • Medium healthy fats are saturated fats. Except for coconut oil, palm oil, and cocoa butter, most saturated fats are of animal origin — beef, pork, lamb, lard, dark chicken meat, poultry skin, and dairies.
  • Zero health benefit fats are trans fats. They are oils whose chemical structures were changed to become solid fats. Trans fats are in fried/deep-fried foods, margarine, vegetable shortening, and most processed foods (commercial cookies, cakes, pastries, and more).

2- Quantity:

  • Good fat or bad fat, fat is fat.
  • Consuming a large quantity of food high in fat, even good fats, does not stop at causing you to gain weight; worse than that, it blocks your liver from processing and breaking down fats as it should. That will cause a build-up of fat, as it becomes harder for your liver to function efficiently.
  • With time, your liver, unable to keep up with the processing of excessive fat and other waste and toxins, could become a sluggish, fatty liver, which sucks your bodily energy, causes high toxicity, and eventually disease.


Dietary fats are necessary for your bodily energy but choosing the healthier qualities as much as possible and managing the quantity you consume are primary.

By Ritta Wakim, founder of The True Vegan Body, who helps people over 40 build a knockout body and get addicted to healthy plant-powered eating.



The True Vegan Body
The True Vegan Body

Written by The True Vegan Body

I am Ritta Wakim, a 57-year-old 99%-vegan athlete and the founder of thetrueveganbody.com that helps people over 40 be proud of their bodies.

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